Over 10,000 Commercial Projects Completed
We have worked in thousands of retail, education, office, and grocery facilities and every one is unique. What most share is that they use electricity and gas to operate systems critical to their business, from lights, refrigeration, HVAC, compressed air, water and disposal and every one of those items is an expense that can be managed and almost always reduced meaningfully, resulting in better productivity at lower costs that net greater margins.

Preserving the Ambience
We know almost no one actually likes compact fluorescent lights (CFLs), and the great news is they are on the way out. LED lamps now provide the warmth of incandescant without the actual heat, and at a price that makes sense. But choosing light bulbs used to be easy. Now with so many choices and unknown manufacturers, complex energy codes and utility rebates that change rules weekly it can be a gamble buidling operators want to avoid. That's why the owners of an iconic San Franisco brewery asked us to work with their local utility and find the solution that was easy to swallow.

Keeping Millions of Drinks Cold
Imagine a 1,000 watt space heater running 24 hours/day inside your walk-in cooler. That's how much heat the fan motors were dumping into every unit in every store for one of the largest grocers on the west coast. After we installed 5,400 energy efficient motors and controls systems and after procuring nearly $1,000,000 in utility rebates on their behalf, the client has annual reduced energy expenses of over $940,000 per year at current utility rates (after rebates the project paid for itself in a couple months). How many drinks do you have to sell in a year to net $1,000,000?